1997 GAO Reports on the IRS
The mission of GAO's Tax Policy and Administration issue area is to provide Congress,
the Executive Branch, and the public with timely, accurate, and objective analyses and
information to improve our nation's tax system and its administration. This responsibility
not only encompasses the government's revenue and tax expenditures, but also the IRS, the
federal agency responsible for tax administration.
The reports below are the result of the GAO's internal investigations in the Tax Policy
and Administration issue area. We think you will them interesting and fascinating, as they
uncover weaknesses, abuses, malfeasance, mismanagement, waste, and corruption at the IRS.
T-GGD-97-186 |
Sept. 26, 1997 |
Tax Administration: Taxpayer Rights & Burdens During Audits of Their Tax Returns |
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T-GGD-97-155 |
Sept. 23, 1997 |
Tax Administration: IRS' Use of Enforcement Authorities to Collect Delinquent Taxes |
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GGD-97-158 |
Aug. 27, 1997 |
Tax Administration: Assessment of IRS' Report on Its Fiscal Year 1995 Compliance Initiatives |
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GGD-97-122 |
July 01, 1997 |
Tax Policy & Administration: 1996 Annual Report on GAO's Tax-Related Work |
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AIMD-97-130 |
June 19, 1997 |
Tax Administration: IRS' Fiscal Year 1998 Budget Request |
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GGD-97-69 |
May 16, 1997 |
Earned Income Credit: Claimants' Credit Participation & Income Patterns, Tax Years 1990 Through 1994 |
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GGD-97-101 |
May 14, 1997 |
Tax Policy: Puerto Rican Economic Trends |
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GGD-97-71 |
May 09, 1997 |
Internal Revenue Service: IRS Initiatives to Resolve Disputes Over Tax Liabilities |
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T-GGD-97-105 |
May 08, 1997 |
Tax Administration: Earned Income Credit Noncompliance |
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GGD-97-91 |
May 05, 1997 |
Tax Policy: A Profile of the Indian Gaming Industry |
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OGC-97-39 |
April 24, 1997 |
Interim Rules for Health Insurance Portability for Group Health Plans |
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RCED-97-149 |
April 23, 1997 |
Tax Credits: Opportunities to Improve Oversight of the Low-Income Housing Program |
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GGD-97-62 |
April 17, 1997 |
Tax Administration: Factors Affecting Results from Audits of Large Corporations |
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T-AIMD-97-82 |
April 15, 1997 |
IRS Systems Security & Funding: Employee Browsing Not Being Addressed Effectively & Budget Requests for New Systems Development Not Justified |
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T-GGD-97-79 |
April 14, 1997 |
IRS Management: Improvement Needed in High-Risk Areas |
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T-AIMD-97-76 |
April 10, 1997 |
IRS Systems Security: Tax Processing Operations & Data Still at Risk Due to Serious Weaknesses |
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AIMD-97-49 |
April 08, 1997 |
IRS Systems Security: Tax Processing Operations & Data Still at Risk Due to Serious Weaknesses |
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OSI-97-2 |
April 01, 1997 |
Investigators' Guide to Sources of Information |
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RCED-97-55 |
March 28, 1997 |
Tax Credits: Opportunities to Improve Oversight of the Low-Income Housing Program |
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AIMD-97-66 |
March 18, 1997 |
Tax Administration: IRS' Fiscal Year 1997 Spending, 1997 Filing Season, & Fiscal Year 1998 Budget Request |
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GGD-97-34 |
March 12, 1997 |
Tax Policy: Information on the Joint & Several Liability Standard |
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GGD-97-41 |
March 06, 1997 |
Tax Policy: Effects of the Alcohol Fuels Tax Incentives |
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T-GGD-97-52 |
March 04, 1997 |
IRS High-Risk Issues: Modernization of Processes & Systems Necessary to Resolve Problems |
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AIMD-97-31 |
Jan. 17, 1997 |
Tax Systems Modernization: IRS Needs to Resolve Certain Issues With Its Integrated Case Processing System |
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GGD-97-29 |
Jan. 16, 1997 |
Tax Systems Modernization: Imaging System's Performance Improving But Still Falls Short of Expectations |
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GGD-97-24 |
Jan. 09, 1997 |
Tax Administration: Lessons Learned From IRS' Initial Experience in Redeploying Employees |
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T-GGD-97-35 |
Jan. 01, 1997 |
Taxpayer Compliance: Analyzing the Nature of the Income Tax Gap |
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GGD-97-28 |
Dec. 19, 1996 |
Tax Expenditures: Information on Employer-Provided Educational Assistance |
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GGD-97-25 |
Dec. 18, 1996 |
IRS' 1996 Tax Filing Season: Performance Goals Generally Met; Efforts to Modernize Had Mixed Results |
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T-GGD-97-21 |
Nov. 08, 1996 |
Tax Administration: Employment Taxes & Small Business |
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GGD-97-22 |
Nov. 07, 1996 |
IRS Business Operations: Issues in Setting Priorities & Managing for Results |
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GGD-97-16 |
Oct. 31, 1996 |
Tax Administration: FedState Efforts Offer Opportunities But Program Needs Improvement |
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GGD-97-6 |
Oct. 16, 1996 |
Tax Administration: Alternative Filing Systems (Summary Only) |
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