GAO reviewed the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) initiatives to resolve
tax liabilities disputes without litigation, focusing on IRS': (1)
design of these initiatives and taxpayers' use of them; and (2) plans
for evaluating the impacts of its new initiatives on the stated goals.
GAO noted that: (1) since 1990, IRS Appeals, Chief Counsel, and
Examination have implemented at least eight initiatives to improve
dispute resolution between IRS and taxpayers over certain tax issues;
(2) each of the initiatives apply to specific groups of taxpayers,
generally large corporations; (3) two of these initiatives seek to
prevent disputes, three seek to resolve disputes before they reach
Appeals, and two seek to resolve disputes in Appeals more quickly; (4)
only one initiative uses a neutral third person as a mediator to help
resolve disputes in Appeals; (5) generally, the goals of these
initiatives are to reduce the overall time, costs, and taxpayer burden
of dispute resolution; (6) in June 1996, IRS identified 276 taxpayers
that had used or were using 1 of IRS' 8 initiatives to resolve tax
disputes since 1990; (7) as of November 30, 1996, IRS data showed that
these taxpayers had used IRS' initiatives to resolve 209 disputes over
tax issues; (8) this is a small fraction of the relevant disputed tax
issues since 1990; (9) various reasons exist for the limited use of the
initiatives to date; (10) also, IRS officials said use of the
initiatives ultimately depends on the willingness of eligible taxpayers;
(11) IRS has established some performance measures intended to evaluate
the impacts of its initiatives on reducing the time, costs, and taxpayer
burden in dispute resolution; (12) GAO's analysis indicated that many of
these measures will not allow IRS to directly gauge the initiatives'
impacts on these goals; (13) Appeals has established some measures, such
as the level of taxpayer satisfaction, that are more directly related to
its initiatives' goals of reducing the time, costs, and burden of
dispute resolution; (14) IRS officials said they thought it was too
early to assess the impacts of all of their initiatives and was
difficult to obtain data that would isolate the impacts, particularly
when the issues being resolved are highly technical and can carry over
to future tax years; (15) IRS officials described ongoing efforts to
develop other measures, in conjunction with a special IRS task force, by
the spring of 1998; and (16) measures that more directly gauge the
impacts of the initiatives on their goals would help IRS determine,
after sufficient data are available a over period of time, whether and
the extent to which the initiatives had the intended effects of reducin*
Click here for the full GAO Report, PDF Version, 38pgs. 214K