Publication 555 |
2008 Tax Year |
Publication 555 - Main Contents
Whether you have community property and community income depends on the state where you are domiciled. If you and your spouse
have different
domiciles, check the laws of each to see whether you have community property or community income.
You have only one domicile even if you have more than one home. Your domicile is a permanent legal home that you intend to
use for an indefinite or
unlimited period, and to which, when absent, you intend to return. The question of your domicile is mainly a matter of your
intention as indicated by
your actions. You must be able to show with facts that you intend a given place or state to be your permanent home. If you
move into or out of a
community property state during the year, you may or may not have community income.
Factors considered in determining domicile include:
Where you pay state income tax,
Where you vote,
Location of property you own,
Your citizenship,
Length of residence, and
Business and social ties to the community.
Amount of time spent.
The amount of time spent in one place does not always explain the difference between home and domicile. A temporary
home or residence may continue
for months or years while a domicile may be established the first moment you occupy the property. Your intent is the determining
factor in proving
where you have your domicile.
Note. When this publication refers to where you live, it means your domicile.
Community or Separate Property and Income
If you file a federal tax return separately from your spouse, you must report half of all community income and all of your
separate income.
Generally, the laws of the state in which you are domiciled govern whether you have community property and community income
or separate property and
separate income for federal tax purposes. The following is a summary of the general rules. These rules are also shown in Table
Community property.
Generally, community property is property:
That you, your spouse, or both acquire during your marriage while you and your spouse are domiciled in a community property
That you and your spouse agreed to convert from separate to community property.
That cannot be identified as separate property.
Community income.
Generally, community income is income from:
Community property.
Salaries, wages, and other pay received for the services performed by you, your spouse, or both during your marriage.
Real estate that is treated as community property under the laws of the state where the property is located.
Separate property.
Generally, separate property is:
Property that you or your spouse owned separately before your marriage.
Money earned while domiciled in a noncommunity property state.
Property that you or your spouse received separately as a gift or inheritance during your marriage.
Property that you or your spouse bought with separate funds, or acquired in exchange for separate property, during your
Property that you and your spouse converted from community property to separate property through an agreement valid under
The part of property bought with separate funds, if part was bought with community funds and part with separate funds.
Separate income.
Generally, income from separate property is the separate income of the spouse who owns the property.
In Idaho, Louisiana, Texas, and Wisconsin, income from most separate property is community income.
Table 1. General Rules — Property and Income: Community or Separate?
Community property is property:
That you, your spouse, or both acquire during your marriage while you are domiciled in a community property state. (Includes
the part of
property bought with community property funds if part was bought with community funds and part with separate funds.)
That you and your spouse agreed to convert from separate to community property.
That cannot be identified as separate property.
Separate property is:
Property that you or your spouse owned separately before your marriage.
Money earned while domiciled in a noncommunity property state.
Property either of you received as a gift or inherited separately during your marriage.
Property bought with separate funds, or exchanged for separate property, during your marriage.
Property that you and your spouse agreed to convert from community to separate property through an agreement valid under state
The part of property bought with separate funds, if part was bought with community funds and part with separate funds.
Community income
1,2,3 is income from:
Community property.
Salaries, wages, or pay for services of you, your spouse, or both during your marriage.
Real estate that is treated as community property under the laws of the state where the property is located.
Separate income
1,2 is income from:
1 Caution: In Idaho, Louisiana, Texas, and Wisconsin, income from most separate property is community income.
2 Caution: Check your state law if you are separated but do not meet the conditions discussed in Spouses living apart all year.
In some states, the income you earn after you are separated and before a divorce decree is issued continues to be community
income. In other
states, it is separate income.
3 Caution: Under special rules, income that can otherwise be characterized as community income may not be treated as community income
for federal income tax purposes in certain situations. See Community Property Laws Disregarded.
Identifying Income, Deductions, and Credits
If you file separate returns, you and your spouse must be able to identify your community and separate income, deductions,
credits, and other
return amounts according to the laws of your state.
The following is a discussion of the general effect of community property laws on the federal income tax treatment of certain
items of income.
Wages, earnings, and profits.
A spouse's wages, earnings, and net profits from a sole proprietorship are community income and must be evenly split.
Dividends, interest, and rents.
Dividends, interest, and rents from community property are community income and must be evenly split. Dividends, interest,
and rents from separate
property are characterized in accordance with the discussion under Income from separate property, later.
Alimony received.
Alimony or separate maintenance payments made prior to divorce are taxable to the payee spouse only to the extent
they exceed 50% (his or her
share) of the reportable community income. This is so because the payee spouse is already required to report half of the community
income. See also
Alimony paid, later.
Gains and losses.
Gains and losses are classified as separate or community depending on how the property is held. For example, a loss
on separate property, such as
stock held separately, is a separate loss. On the other hand, a loss on community property, such as a casualty loss to your
home held as community
property, is a community loss. See Publication 544, Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets, for information on gains and losses. See
Publication 547, Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts, for information on losses due to a casualty or theft.
Withdrawals from individual retirement arrangements (IRAs) and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs).
There are several kinds of individual retirement arrangements (IRAs). They are traditional IRAs (including SEP-IRAs),
SIMPLE IRAs, and Roth IRAs.
IRAs and ESAs by law are deemed to be separate property. Therefore, taxable IRA and ESA distributions are separate property,
even if the funds in the
account would otherwise be community property. These distributions are wholly taxable to the spouse whose name is on the account.
That spouse is also
liable for any penalties and additional taxes on the distributions.
Generally, distributions from pensions will be characterized as community or separate income depending on the respective
periods of participation
in the pension while married and domiciled in a community property state or in a noncommunity property state during the total
period of participation
in the pension. See the example under Civil service retirement, later. These rules may vary between states. Check your state law.
Lump-sum distributions.
If you were born before January 2, 1936, and receive a lump-sum distribution from a qualified retirement plan, you
may be able to choose an
optional method of figuring the tax on the distribution. For the 10-year tax option, you must disregard community property
laws. For more information,
see Publication 575, Pension and Annuity Income, and Form 4972, Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions.
Civil service retirement.
For income tax purposes, community property laws apply to annuities payable under the Civil Service Retirement Act
(CSRS) or Federal Employee
Retirement System (FERS).
Whether a civil service annuity is separate or community income depends on the marital status and domicile of the
employee when the services were
performed for which the annuity is paid. Even if you now live in a noncommunity property state and you receive a civil service
annuity, it may be
community income if it is based on services you performed while married and domiciled in a community property state.
If a civil service annuity is a mixture of community income and separate income, it must be divided between the two
kinds of income. The division
is based on the employee's domicile and marital status in community and noncommunity property states during his or her periods
of service.
Henry Wright retired this year after 30 years of civil service. He and his wife were domiciled in a community property state
during the past 15
Since half the service was performed while the Wrights were married and domiciled in a community property state, half the
civil service retirement
pay is considered to be community income. If Mr. Wright receives $1,000 a month in retirement pay, $500 is considered community
($250) is his income and half ($250) is his wife's.
Military retirement pay.
State community property laws apply to military retirement pay. Generally, the pay is either separate or community
income based on the marital
status and domicile of the couple while the member of the Armed Forces was in active military service. For example, military
retirement pay for
services performed during marriage and domicile in a community property state is community income.
Active military pay earned while married and domiciled in a community property state is also community income. This
income is considered to be
received half by the member of the Armed Forces and half by the spouse.
Partnership income.
If an interest is held in a partnership, and income from the partnership is attributable to the efforts of either
spouse, the partnership income is
community property. If it is merely a passive investment in a separate property partnership, the partnership income will be
characterized in
accordance with the discussion under Income from separate property, later.
Tax-exempt income.
Community income exempt from federal tax generally keeps its exempt status for both spouses. For example, under certain
circumstances, income
earned outside the United States is tax exempt. If you earned income and met the conditions that made it exempt, the income
is also exempt for your
spouse even though he or she may not have met the conditions.
Income from separate property.
In some states, income from separate property is separate income. These states include Washington, Nevada, California,
Arizona, and New Mexico.
Other states characterize income from separate property as community income. These states include Idaho, Louisiana, Wisconsin,
and Texas.
When you file separate returns, you must claim your own exemption amount for that year. (See your tax package instructions.)
You cannot divide the amount allowed as an exemption for a dependent between you and your spouse. When community funds provide
support for more
than one person, each of whom otherwise qualifies as a dependent, you and your spouse may divide the number of dependency
exemptions as explained in
the following example.
Ron and Diane White have three dependent children and live in Nevada. If Ron and Diane file separately, only Ron can claim
his own exemption, and
only Diane can claim her own exemption. Ron and Diane can agree that one of them will claim the exemption for one, two, or
all of their children and
the other will claim any remaining exemptions. They cannot each claim half of the total exemption amount for their three children.
If you file separate returns, your deductions generally depend on whether the expenses involve community or separate income.
Business and investment expenses.
If you file separate returns, expenses incurred to earn or produce:
Community business or investment income are generally divided equally between you and your spouse. Each of you is entitled
to deduct
one-half of the expenses on your separate returns.
Separate business or investment income are deductible by the spouse who earns the income.
Other limits may also apply to business and investment expenses. For more information, see Publication 535, Business Expenses, and
Publication 550, Investment Income and Expenses.
Alimony paid.
Payments that may otherwise qualify as alimony are not deductible by the payer if they are the recipient spouse's
part of community income. They
are deductible as alimony only to the extent they are more than that spouse's part of community income.
You live in a community property state. You are separated but the special rules explained later under Spouses living apart all year do
not apply. Under a written agreement, you pay your spouse $12,000 of your $20,000 total yearly community income. Your spouse
receives no other
community income. Under your state law, earnings of a spouse living separately and apart from the other spouse continue as
community property.
On your separate returns, each of you must report $10,000 of the total community income. In addition, your spouse must report
$2,000 as alimony
received. You can deduct $2,000 as alimony paid.
IRA deduction.
Deductions for IRA contributions cannot be split between spouses. The deduction for each spouse is figured separately
and without regard to
community property laws.
Personal expenses.
Expenses that are paid out of separate funds, such as medical expenses, are deductible by the spouse who pays them.
If these expenses are paid
from community funds, divide the deduction equally between you and your spouse.
Credits, Taxes, and Payments
The following is a discussion of the general effect of community property laws on the treatment of certain credits, taxes,
and payments on your
separate return.
Child tax credit.
You may be entitled to a child tax credit for each of your qualifying children. You must provide the name and identification
number (usually the
social security number) of each qualifying child on your return. See your tax package instructions for the maximum amount
of the credit you can claim
for each qualifying child.
Limit on credit.
The credit is limited if your modified adjusted gross income (modified AGI) is above a certain amount. The amount
at which the limitation
(phaseout) begins depends on your filing status. Generally, your credit is limited to your tax liability unless you have three
or more qualifying
children. See your tax package instructions for more information.
Self-employment tax.
This section discusses the effect of community property laws on the imposition of self-employment tax on the earnings
and profits of a sole
proprietorship and partnerships. For the effect of community property laws on the income tax treatment of income from a sole
proprietorship and
partnerships, see Wages, earnings, and profits and Partnership income, earlier.
Sole proprietorship.
With regard to net income from a trade or business (other than a partnership) that is community income, self-employment
tax is imposed on the
spouse carrying on the trade or business.
All of the distributive share of a married partner's income or loss from a partnership trade or business is attributable
to the partner for
computing any self-employment tax, even if a portion of the partner's distributive share of income or loss is community income
or loss that is
otherwise attributable to the partner's spouse for income tax purposes. If both spouses are partners, any self-employment
tax is allocated based on
their distributive shares.
Federal income tax withheld.
Report the credit for federal income tax withheld on community wages in the same manner as your wages. If you and
your spouse file separate returns
on which each of you reports half the community wages, each of you is entitled to credit for half the income tax withheld
on those wages.
Estimated tax payments.
In determining whether you must pay estimated tax, apply the estimated tax rules to your estimated income. These rules
are explained in Publication
If you think you may owe estimated tax and want to pay the tax separately, determine whether you must pay it by taking
into account:
Half the community income and deductions,
All of your separate income and deductions, and
Your own exemption and any exemptions for dependents that you may claim.
Whether you and your spouse pay estimated tax jointly or separately will not affect your choice of filing joint or
separate income tax returns.
If you and your spouse paid estimated tax jointly but file separate income tax returns, either of you can claim all
of the estimated tax paid, or
you may divide it between you in any way that you agree upon.
If you cannot agree on how to divide it, the estimated tax you can claim equals the total estimated tax paid times
the tax shown on your separate
return, divided by the total of the tax shown on your return and your spouse's return.
Earned income credit.
You may be entitled to an earned income credit (EIC). You cannot claim this credit if your filing status is married
filing separately.
If you are married, but qualify to file as head of household under rules for married taxpayers living apart (see Publication
501), and live in a
state that has community property laws, your earned income for the EIC does not include any amount earned by your spouse that
is treated as belonging
to you under community property laws. That amount is not earned income for the EIC, even though you must include it in your
gross income on your
income tax return. Your earned income includes the entire amount you earned, even if part of it is treated as belonging to your spouse
under your state's community property laws.
This rule does not apply when determining your adjusted gross income (AGI) for the EIC. Your AGI includes that part of both
your and your spouse's
wages that you are required to include in gross income shown on your tax return.
For more information about the EIC, see Publication 596, Earned Income Credit (EIC).
The amount of an overpayment on a joint return is allocated under the community property laws of the state in which
you are domiciled.
If, under the laws of your state, community property is subject to premarital or other separate debts of either spouse, the
full joint
overpayment may be used to offset the obligation.
If, under the laws of your state, community property is not subject to premarital or other separate debts of either spouse,
only the portion
of the joint overpayment allocated to the spouse liable for the obligation can be used to offset that liability. The portion
allocated to the other
spouse can be refunded.
Community Property Laws Disregarded
The following discussions are situations where special rules apply to community property.
Certain community income not treated as community income by one spouse.
Community property laws may not apply to an item of community income that you received but did not treat as community
income. You are responsible
for reporting all of that income item if:
You treat the item as if only you are entitled to the income, and
You do not notify your spouse of the nature and amount of the income by the due date for filing the return (including
Relief from liability arising from community property law.
You are not responsible for the tax relating to an item of community income if all the following conditions exist.
You did not file a joint return for the tax year.
You did not include an item of community income in gross income.
The item of community income you did not include is one of the following:
Wages, salaries, and other compensation your spouse (or former spouse) received for services he or she performed as an employee.
Income your spouse (or former spouse) derived from a trade or business he or she operated as a sole proprietor.
Your spouse's (or former spouse's) distributive share of partnership income.
Income from your spouse's (or former spouse's) separate property (other than income described in (a), (b), or (c)). Use the
community property law to determine what is separate property.
Any other income that belongs to your spouse (or former spouse) under community property law.
You establish that you did not know of, and had no reason to know of, that community income.
Under all facts and circumstances, it would not be fair to include the item of community income in your gross income.
Requesting relief.
For information on how and when to request relief from liabilities arising from community property laws, see Community Property Laws in
Publication 971.
Equitable relief.
If you do not qualify for the relief discussed above and are now liable for an underpayment or understatement of tax
you believe should be paid
only by your spouse (or former spouse), you may request equitable relief. To request equitable relief, you must file Form
8857, Request for
Innocent Spouse Relief, or other similar statement. Also see Publication 971.
Spousal agreements.
In some states a husband and wife may enter into an agreement that affects the status of property or income as community
or separate property.
Check your state law to determine how it affects you.
Nonresident alien spouse.
If you are a United States citizen or resident alien and you choose to treat your nonresident alien spouse as a U.S.
resident for tax purposes and
you are domiciled in a community property state or country, use the community property rules. You must file a joint return
for the year you make the
choice. You can file separate returns in later years. For details on making this choice, see Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens.
If you are a U.S. citizen or resident alien and do not choose to treat your nonresident alien spouse as a U.S. resident
for tax purposes, treat
your community income as explained next under Spouses living apart all year. However, you do not have to meet the four conditions discussed
Spouses living apart all year.
If you are married at any time during the calendar year, special rules apply for reporting certain community income.
You must meet all
the following conditions for these special rules to apply.
You and your spouse lived apart all year.
You and your spouse did not file a joint return for a tax year beginning or ending in the calendar year.
You and/or your spouse had earned income for the calendar year that is community income.
You and your spouse have not transferred, directly or indirectly, any of the earned income in condition (3) above between
yourselves before
the end of the year. Do not take into account transfers satisfying child support obligations or transfers of very small amounts
or value.
If all these conditions are met, you and your spouse must report your community income as discussed next. See also Certain community
income not treated as community income by one spouse, earlier.
Earned income.
Treat earned income that is not trade or business or partnership income as the income of the spouse who performed
the services to earn the income.
Earned income is wages, salaries, professional fees, and other pay for personal services.
Earned income does not include amounts paid by a corporation that are a distribution of earnings and profits rather than a reasonable
allowance for personal services rendered.
Trade or business income.
Treat income and related deductions from a trade or business that is not a partnership as those of the spouse carrying
on the trade or business.
Partnership income or loss.
Treat income or loss from a trade or business carried on by a partnership as the income or loss of the spouse who
is the partner.
Separate property income.
Treat income from the separate property of one spouse as the income of that spouse.
Social security benefits.
Treat social security and equivalent railroad retirement benefits as the income of the spouse who receives the benefits.
Other income.
Treat all other community income, such as dividends, interest, rents, royalties, or gains, as provided under your
state's community property law.
George and Sharon were married throughout the year but did not live together at any time during the year. Both domiciles were
in a community
property state. They did not file a joint return or transfer any of their earned income between themselves. During the year
their incomes were as
George |
Sharon |
Consulting business
Dividends from separate property
Interest from community property
Total |
Under the community property law of their state, all the income is considered community income. (Some states treat income
from separate property as
separate income—check your state law.) Sharon did not take part in George's consulting business.
Ordinarily, on their separate returns they would each report $30,500, half the total community income of $61,000 ($26,500
+ $34,500). But because
they meet the four conditions listed earlier under Spouses living apart all year, they must disregard community property law in reporting
all their income (except the interest income) from community property. They each report on their returns only their own earnings
and other income, and
their share of the interest income from community property. George reports $26,500 and Sharon reports $34,500.
Other separated spouses.
If you and your spouse are separated but do not meet the four conditions discussed earlier under Spouses living apart all year, you must
treat your income according to the laws of your state. In some states, income earned after separation but before a decree
of divorce continues to be
community income. In other states it is separate income.
End of the Marital Community
The marital community may end in several ways. When the marital community ends, the community assets (money and property)
are divided between the
Death of spouse.
In community property states, each spouse usually is considered to own half the estate (excluding separate property).
If your spouse dies, the
total fair market value (FMV) of the community property, including the part that belongs to you, generally becomes the basis
of the entire property.
For this rule to apply, at least half the value of the community property interest must be includible in your spouse's gross
estate, whether or not
the estate must file a return.
For example, Bob and Ann owned community property that had a basis of $80,000. When Bob died, his and Ann's community
property had an FMV of
$100,000. One-half of the FMV of their community interest was includible in Bob's estate. The basis of Ann's half of the property
is $50,000 after Bob
died (half of the $100,000 FMV). The basis of the other half to Bob's heirs is also $50,000.
For more information about the basis of assets, see Publication 551, Basis of Assets.
Divorce or separation.
The (equal or unequal) division of community property in connection with a divorce or property settlement does not
result in a gain or loss. For
information on the tax consequences of the division of property under a property settlement or divorce decree, see Publication
Each spouse is taxed on half the community income for the part of the year before the community ends. However, see
Spouses living apart all
year, earlier. Any income received after the marital community ends is separate income. This separate income is taxable only to
the spouse to
whom it belongs.
An absolute decree of divorce or annulment
ends the marital community in all community property states. A decree of annulment, even though it holds that no valid
marriage ever existed, usually does not nullify community property rights arising during the “ marriage.” However, you should check your state law
for exceptions.
A decree of legal separation or of separate maintenance may or may not end the marital community. The court issuing the decree may
terminate the marital community and divide the property between the spouses.
A separation agreement
may divide the community property between you and your spouse. It may provide that this property, along
with future earnings and property acquired, will be separate property. This agreement may end the community.
In some states, the marital community ends when the spouses permanently separate, even if there is no formal agreement.
Check your state law.
Preparing a Federal Income Tax Return
The following discussion does not apply to spouses who meet the conditions under Spouses living apart all year, discussed earlier. Those
spouses must report their community income as explained in that discussion.
Joint Return Versus Separate Returns
Ordinarily, filing a joint return will give you a greater tax advantage than filing a separate return. But in some cases,
your combined income tax
on separate returns may be less than it would be on a joint return.
If you file separate returns:
You should itemize deductions if your spouse itemizes deductions, because you cannot claim the standard deduction,
You cannot take the credit for child and dependent care expenses in most instances,
You cannot take the earned income credit,
You cannot exclude any interest income from qualified U.S. savings bonds that you used for higher education expenses,
You cannot take the credit for the elderly or the disabled unless you lived apart from your spouse all year,
You may have to include in income more of any social security benefits (including any equivalent railroad retirement benefits)
you received
during the year than you would on a joint return,
You cannot deduct interest paid on a qualified student loan,
You cannot take the education credits (the Hope and lifetime learning credits),
You may have a smaller child tax credit than you would on a joint return, and
You cannot take the exclusion or credit for adoption expenses in most instances.
Figure your tax both on a joint return and on separate returns under the community property laws of your state. You can then
compare the tax
figured under both methods and use the one that results in less tax.
Separate Return Preparation
If you file separate returns, you and your spouse must each report half of your combined community income and deductions in
addition to your
separate income and deductions. List only your share of the income and deductions on the appropriate lines of your separate
tax returns (wages,
interest, dividends, etc.). For a discussion of the effect of community property laws on certain items of income, deductions,
credits, and other
return amounts, see Identifying Income, Deductions, and Credits, earlier.
Attach a worksheet to your separate returns showing how you figured the income, deductions, and federal income tax withheld
that each of you
reported. The Allocation Worksheet (Table 2) shown later can be used for this purpose. If you do not attach a worksheet, you and your
spouse should each attach a photocopy of the other spouse's Form W-2 or 1099-R. Make a notation on the form showing the division
of income and tax
Extension of time to file.
An extension of time for filing your separate return does not extend the time for filing your spouse's separate return.
If you and your spouse file
a joint return, you cannot file separate returns after the due date for filing either separate return has passed.
Table 2. Allocation Worksheet
Total Income
Allocated to
Allocated to
Wages (each employer)
Interest Income (each payer)
Dividends (each payer)
State Income Tax Refund
Capital Gains and Losses
Pension Income
Rents, Royalties, Partnerships, Estates, Trusts
Taxes Withheld
Other items such as: Social Security Benefits, Business and Farm Income or Loss,
Unemployment Compensation, Mortgage Interest Deduction, etc.
Walter and Mary Smith are married and domiciled in a community property state. Their two children (18-year-old twins) and
Mary's mother live with
them and qualify as their dependents. Amounts paid for their support were paid out of community funds.
Walter received a salary of $53,424. Income tax withheld from his salary was $4,704. Walter received $132 in taxable interest
from his savings
account. He also received $217 in dividends from stock that he owned. His interest and dividend income are his separate income
under the laws of his
community property state.
Mary received $200 in dividends from stock that she owned. This is her separate income. In addition, she received $4,200 as
a part-time dental
technician. No income tax was withheld from her salary.
The Smiths paid a total of $5,775 in medical expenses. Medical insurance of $1,050 was paid out of community funds. Walter
paid $4,725 out of his
separate funds for an operation he had.
The Smiths had $10,264 in other itemized deductions, none of which were miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to the
2%-of-adjusted-gross-income limit. The amounts spent for these deductions were paid out of community funds.
To see if it is to the Smiths' advantage to file a joint return or separate returns, a worksheet (Table 3, shown next) is
prepared to figure their
federal income tax both ways. Walter and Mary must claim their own exemptions on their separate returns.
The summary at the bottom of the worksheet compares the tax figured on the Smiths' joint return to the total tax figured by
adding the tax amounts
on their separate returns. By filing separately under the community property laws of their state, the Smiths save $243 in
income tax.
If the Smiths were domiciled in Idaho, Louisiana, Texas, or Wisconsin, the result would be slightly different because in those
states income from
separate property generally is treated as community income. If they lived in one of those states, the interest from Walter's
savings account and the
dividends from stock owned by each of them would be divided equally on their separate returns.
In figuring your tax, use the amounts from your current tax forms instruction booklet for items such as the standard deduction,
allowance, and Tax Table tax. The amounts used in this example apply for 2006 only. The example shows how filing separate
returns under community
property tax laws can result in lower tax than filing jointly; you must figure your own tax both ways to know which works
better for you.
Table 3. Worksheet — Walter and Mary Smith
Joint Return |
Separate Returns |
Walter's |
Mary's |
Income (Walter's):
$ 53,424
$ 26,712
$ 26,712
Interest and dividends ($217 dividends + $132 interest)
Total |
$ 53,773
$ 27,061
$ 26,712
Income (Mary's):
$ 4,200
Total |
Adjusted gross income (AGI)
$ 58,173
$ 29,161
$ 29,012
Community: (Not subject to the 2% AGI limit)
$ 10,264
$ 5,132
$ 5,132
$ 1,050
$ 525
$ 525
Medical expenses (Walter's)
$ 5,775
$ 5,250
$ 525
(Minus) 7.5% of AGI
Medical expense deduction
$ 1,412
$ 3,063
$ -0-
Total deductions |
$ 11,676
$ 8,195
$ 5,132
Subtract total deductions from AGI
1,2 |
$ 46,497
$ 20,966
$ 23,880
1,3 (Subtract to find taxable income)
$ (16,500)
$ (6,600)
$ (9,900)
Taxable Income
$ 29,997
$ 14,366
$ 13,980
1,4 |
$ 3,741
$ 1,779
$ 1,719
Federal income tax withheld
$ 4,704
$ 2,352
$ 2,352
Overpayment (Subtract from Federal tax withheld)
$ 963
$ 573
$ 633
1Caution: In figuring your tax, use the amounts from your current tax forms instruction booklet for such items as the standard
deduction, exemption allowance, and Tax Table tax.
2 The itemized deductions are greater than the standard deduction (shown here as $10,300 for married filing jointly and $5,150
for married
filing separately). Note: If one spouse itemizes, the other must itemize, even if one spouse's deductions are less than the standard
3 An allowance of $3,300 for each exemption claimed is subtracted — 5 on the joint return, 2 on Walter's separate return, and
3 on
Mary's separate return.
4 The tax on the joint return is from the column of the 2006 Tax Table for married filing jointly. The tax on Walter's and
Mary's separate
returns is from the column of the 2006 Tax Table for married filing separately.
Table 3. Summary
Tax on joint return
$ 3,741
Tax on Walter's separate return
$ 1,779
Tax on Mary's separate return
Total tax filing separate returns
Total savings by filing separate returns
You can get help with unresolved tax issues, order free publications and forms, ask tax questions, and get information from
the IRS in several
ways. By selecting the method that is best for you, you will have quick and easy access to tax help.
Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate.
The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the IRS whose employees assist taxpayers who are
experiencing economic harm,
who are seeking help in resolving tax problems that have not been resolved through normal channels, or who believe that an
IRS system or procedure is
not working as it should.
You can contact the Taxpayer Advocate Service by calling toll-free 1-877-777-4778 or TTY/TDD 1-800-829-4059 to see
if you are eligible for
assistance. You can also call or write to your local taxpayer advocate, whose phone number and address are listed in your
local telephone directory
and in Publication 1546, The Taxpayer Advocate Service of the IRS - How To Get Help With Unresolved Tax Problems. You can
file Form 911, Application
for Taxpayer Assistance Order, or ask an IRS employee to complete it on your behalf. For more information, go to
Low income tax clinics (LITCs).
LITCs are independent organizations that provide low income taxpayers with representation in federal tax controversies
with the IRS for free or for
a nominal charge. The clinics also provide tax education and outreach for taxpayers with limited English proficiency or who
speak English as a second
language. Publication 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List, provides information on clinics in your area. It is available
at or at your local IRS office.
Free tax services.
To find out what services are available, get Publication 910, IRS Guide to Free Tax Services. It contains a list of
free tax publications and
describes other free tax information services, including tax education and assistance programs and a list of TeleTax topics.
Internet. You can access the IRS website at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to:
E-file your return. Find out about commercial tax preparation and e-file services available free to eligible
Check the status of your 2006 refund. Click on Where's My Refund. Wait at least 6 weeks from the date you filed your return (3
weeks if you filed electronically). Have your 2006 tax return available because you will need to know your social security
number, your filing status,
and the exact whole dollar amount of your refund.
Download forms, instructions, and publications.
Order IRS products online.
Research your tax questions online.
Search publications online by topic or keyword.
View Internal Revenue Bulletins (IRBs) published in the last few years.
Figure your withholding allowances using our withholding calculator.
Sign up to receive local and national tax news by email.
Get information on starting and operating a small business.
Phone. Many services are available by phone.
Ordering forms, instructions, and publications. Call 1-800-829-3676 to order current-year forms, instructions, and publications,
and prior-year forms and instructions. You should receive your order within 10 days.
Asking tax questions. Call the IRS with your tax questions at 1-800-829-1040.
Solving problems. You can get face-to-face help solving tax problems every business day in IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers. An
employee can explain IRS letters, request adjustments to your account, or help you set up a payment plan. Call your local
Taxpayer Assistance Center
for an appointment. To find the number, go to or
look in the phone book under United States Government, Internal Revenue Service.
TTY/TDD equipment. If you have access to TTY/TDD equipment, call 1-800-829-4059 to ask tax questions or to order forms and
TeleTax topics. Call 1-800-829-4477 to listen to pre-recorded messages covering various tax topics.
Refund information. To check the status of your 2006 refund, call 1-800-829-4477 and press 1 for automated refund information or
call 1-800-829-1954. Be sure to wait at least 6 weeks from the date you filed your return (3 weeks if you filed electronically).
Have your 2006 tax
return available because you will need to know your social security number, your filing status, and the exact whole dollar
amount of your refund.
Evaluating the quality of our telephone services. To ensure IRS representatives give accurate, courteous, and professional answers, we
use several methods to evaluate the quality of our telephone services. One method is for a second IRS representative to listen
in on or record random
telephone calls. Another is to ask some callers to complete a short survey at the end of the call.
Walk-in. Many products and services are available on a walk-in basis.
Products. You can walk in to many post offices, libraries, and IRS offices to pick up certain forms, instructions, and
publications. Some IRS offices, libraries, grocery stores, copy centers, city and county government offices, credit unions,
and office supply stores
have a collection of products available to print from a CD or photocopy from reproducible proofs. Also, some IRS offices and
libraries have the
Internal Revenue Code, regulations, Internal Revenue Bulletins, and Cumulative Bulletins available for research purposes.
Services. You can walk in to your local Taxpayer Assistance Center every business day for personal, face-to-face tax help. An
employee can explain IRS letters, request adjustments to your tax account, or help you set up a payment plan. If you need
to resolve a tax problem,
have questions about how the tax law applies to your individual tax return, or you're more comfortable talking with someone
in person, visit your
local Taxpayer Assistance Center where you can spread out your records and talk with an IRS representative face-to-face. No
appointment is necessary,
but if you prefer, you can call your local Center and leave a message requesting an appointment to resolve a tax account issue.
A representative will
call you back within 2 business days to schedule an in-person appointment at your convenience. To find the number, go to or
look in the phone book under United States Government, Internal Revenue Service.
Mail. You can send your order for forms, instructions, and publications to the address below. You should receive a response within
business days after your request is received.
National Distribution Center
P.O. Box 8903
Bloomington, IL 61702-8903
CD for tax products. You can order Publication 1796, IRS Tax Products CD, and obtain:
A CD that is released twice so you have the latest products. The first release ships in January and the final release ships
Current-year forms, instructions, and publications.
Prior-year forms, instructions, and publications.
Bonus: Historical Tax Products DVD - Ships with the final release.
Tax Map: an electronic research tool and finding aid.
Tax law frequently asked questions.
Tax Topics from the IRS telephone response system.
Fill-in, print, and save features for most tax forms.
Internal Revenue Bulletins.
Toll-free and email technical support.
Buy the CD from National Technical Information Service (NTIS) at for $25 (no handling fee) or call 1-877-CDFORMS (1-877-233-6767) toll free to buy the CD for $25 (plus a $5 handling
fee). Price is subject to change.
CD for small businesses. Publication 3207, The Small Business Resource Guide CD for 2006, is a must for every small business owner or
any taxpayer about to start a business. This year's CD includes:
Helpful information, such as how to prepare a business plan, find financing for your business, and much more.
All the business tax forms, instructions, and publications needed to successfully manage a business.
Tax law changes for 2006.
Tax Map: an electronic research tool and finding aid.
Web links to various government agencies, business associations, and IRS organizations.
“Rate the Product” survey—your opportunity to suggest changes for future editions.
A site map of the CD to help you navigate the pages of the CD with ease.
An interactive “Teens in Biz” module that gives practical tips for teens about starting their own business, creating a business plan,
and filing taxes.
An updated version of this CD is available each year in early April. You can get a free copy by calling 1-800-829-3676 or
by visiting
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