Tax Help Archives  
Pub. 918, Drafts of Worksheets in IRS Publications 2004 Tax Year

Main Contents

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

Publication 503

Worksheet 1. Worksheet for 2002 Expenses Paid in 2003

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 523

Worksheet 1. Adjusted Basis of Home Sold

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 523

Worksheet 2. Gain (or Loss), Exclusion, and Taxable Gain

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 523

Worksheet 3. Reduced Maximum Exclusion

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 527

Table 2. Worksheet for Figuring the Limit on Rental Deductions for a Dwelling Unit Used as a Home

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 535

Worksheet 7–A. Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction Worksheet

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 560

Rate Worksheet for Self-Employed

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 560

Rate Table for Self-Employed

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 560

Deduction Worksheet for Self-Employed

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 571

Worksheet 1. Maximum Amount Contributable (MAC)

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 571

Worksheet A. Cost of Incidental Life Insurance

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 571

Worksheet B. Includible Compensation for Your Most Recent Year of Service

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 571

Worksheet C. Limit on Catch-Up Contributions

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 587

Worksheet To Figure the Deduction for Business Use of Your Home

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 590

Worksheet 1–2. Figuring Your Reduced IRA Deduction for 2003

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 590

Worksheet 1–3. Figuring the Taxable Part of Your IRA Distribution

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 590

APPENDIX B – Worksheet 1. Computation of Modified AGI

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 590

APPENDIX B – Worksheet 2. Computation of Traditional IRA Deduction

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 590

APPENDIX B – Worksheet 3. Computation of Taxable Social Security Benefits

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 596

Worksheet 1. Investment Income If You Are Filing Form 1040

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 721

Worksheet A. Simplified Method Worksheet

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 721

Worksheet B. Lump-Sum Payment

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 721

Worksheet C. Limited Taxable Amount for Nonresident Alien

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 721

Worksheet D. Lump-Sum Payment at End of Survivor Annuity

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 721

Worksheet E. Lump-Sum Payment to Estate or Other Beneficiary

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 915

Worksheet 1. Figuring Your Taxable Benefits

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 915

Worksheet 2. Figure Your Additional Taxable Benefits (From a Lump-Sum Payment for a Year After 1993)

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 915

Worksheet 3. Figure Your Additional Taxable Benefits (From a Lump-Sum Payment for a Year Before 1994)

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 915

Worksheet 4. Figure Your Taxable Benefits Under the Lump-Sum Election Method

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 929

Worksheets and Instructions Related to Form 8814

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 929

Worksheets and Instructions Related to Form 8615

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 936

Table 1. Worksheet To Figure Your Qualified Loan Limit and Deductible Home Mortgage Interest For the Current Year

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 946

Depreciation Worksheet for Passenger Automobiles

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 970

Coverdell ESA — Taxable Withdrawals and Basis

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

Publication 972

Child Tax Credit Worksheet

The final version of this worksheet is now available in the publication.

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