About Us / Terms of Use
Welcome to UncleFed's Tax*Board, a commercial web site whose sole purpose is to help you with your tax and IRS problems.
About Us: Uncle Fed's Tax*Board is owned by UncleFed.com. It is NOT affiliated with the U.S. Government nor the Internal Revenue Service in any way. "Uncle Fed," "Tax*Board," and "UncleFed.com" are federally registered trademarks.
The information on this site is provided as a public service for your information only, and is not intended to be legal or tax advice for any personal or particular situation. Nothing on this site, or in any e-mail message shall be construed as personal advice addressing any particular personal situation. Nothing on this web site constitutes the establishment of a client relationship between you and UncleFed.com. Remember that tax laws and regulations are extensive, and can be confusing. Your personal set of facts may or may not be pertinent to any set of laws or regulations. When dealing with any legal or tax matter do not rely on these materials alone, without seeking the advice of a fully qualified tax professional about your particular situation and facts.
The information contained on this Web site is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. The authors are not engaged in rendering any legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a professional person should be sought.
Care has been taken in preparing information on this site. The information is believed to be accurate. However, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by UncleFed.com, or its authors, as to the use or application of this information, nor shall UncleFed.com or its authors be responsible or liable for any damages resulting in connection with or arising from the use of any information found at this site, or at any linked site.
Your use of this Web site constitutes your agreement to all such terms, conditions, and notices posted herein.
Permitted Uses: You are only authorized to view and to retain a copy of pages of this site for your own personal use. Do not duplicate, publish, modify or otherwise distribute any material on this site unless specifically authorized by us to do so. The content and software on this site is the property of UncleFed.com and/or its authors and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. We have posted a legal notice and various credits on every page of this site.
Privacy Policies
Uncle Fed's Tax*Board is a free site, and you can visit us without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. The only time we will need information from you is when you register to post a message on The Message*Board. If we ever need more information from you we will let you know at the time we are collecting it, so that you can decide whether you want to give it to us or not.
We believe that your privacy and the privacy of all our users is important. If you post any message or content to The Message*Board, by electronic mail or otherwise, we will treat it as non-confidential and non-proprietary to you. By posting it to The Message*Board, you authorize us to use or allow others to distribute, reproduce or otherwise use the content. UncleFed.com is not liable for any lost data resulting from the operation of our site and/or the enforcement of the Terms of Agreement. We urge all users to maintain their own back up versions of any content or message they submit to our site.
Log Analysis Software & Use of IP Addresses: Our web server automatically collects and maintains statistical information from each user in order to measure the site's traffic flow. The data logs for this software collects the following information:
- the domain name of the internet service provider used,
- the IP Address of the computer used to access the site, and
- the URL address of the page(s) accessed by the user.
An IP address is a 12 digit number which your Internet Service Provider automatically assigns to your computer whenever you're surfing the web. Each of your requests for a page or other information contains this address, so that the site you are visiting knows where to send the page. This log is used to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our web site.
Log files are stored intermittently and not consistently. This information has only statistical value, and provides no relevant or personal information on the user. You remain anonymous to us. Most IP addresses are "dynamic" or randomly assigned by the dial-up hosting server, and can't be traced back to the user. There is no other information collected on users who merely browse our site. E-mail addresses are only collected for the use of The Message*Board, and those policies are enumerated below.
Links to Outside Sites
Links to sites posted on Uncle Fed's Tax*Board: This site contains links to other web sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any web sites that we may link to. UncleFed.com can not guarantee, represent or warrant that the content contained in those sites is accurate, legal and/or inoffensive, even though we may believe them to be so. UncleFed.com does not endorse the content of any third party site, nor do we warrant that they will not contain viruses or otherwise impact your computer. By using our site to link to another site, you agree and understand that you may not make any claim against UncleFed.com for any damages or losses, whatsoever, resulting from your use of our site to link to another site. However, if you have a problem with a link from our site, please contact us at:
, and we will investigate the link and take appropriate action
Links to outside sites from search results: This site may automatically produce search results that reference links to third party sites throughout the internet. UncleFed.com has no control over these sites or the content within them. UncleFed.com can not guarantee, represent or warrant that the content contained in those sites is accurate, legal and/or inoffensive. UncleFed.com does not endorse the content of any third party site, nor do can we warrant that they will not contain viruses or otherwise impact your computer. By using our site to search for or link to another site, you agree and understand that you may not make any claim against UncleFed.com for any damages or losses, whatsoever, resulting from your use of our site to obtain search results and/or to link to another site. However, if you have a problem with a link from our site, please contact us at:
, and we will investigate the link and take appropriate action.
Copyright and Trademark Information
Copyright Protection: All files on Uncle Fed's Tax*Board are copyrighted under the U.S. copyright laws. Much of the material has been constructed by UncleFed.com and the form of that material is copyrighted by either UncleFed.com, it's officers, or other authors. You are not allowed to use any material found on Uncle Fed's Tax*Board for commercial purposes without express written approval from UncleFed.com.
Disclaimer: Uncle Fed's Tax*Board also contains material originally authored and created by others who are not employees of UncleFed.com. We are not responsible for the accuracy of such material, even though we may believe it to be accurate - after all, tax laws and IRS policies do change frequently. We are also not responsible for any trademark or copyright infringements that may be claimed against anyone who has authored materials that may be on our site. In the event of a trademark or copyright infringement claim, please contact us at:
immediately with your supporting material, so that we can take appropriate action to resolve the conflict.
Disclaimer, Disputes, Indemnity, & Prohibition
Disclaimer: UncleFed.com does not promise that this site will be error-free, uninterrupted, nor that it will provide specific results from its use or from any content, search or link on it. This site and its content are delivered on an "as-is" and "as-available" basis, and subject to numerous outside influences, such as bandwidth shortages, electrical blackouts, etc. UncleFed.com disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including also any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. UncleFed.com will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, or the posting of any information on this site, including without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.
Disputes: If there is any dispute about or involving this site, by using this site, you agree that the dispute will be governed by the laws or the State of xxxx without regard to its conflict of law provisions. You agree to personal jurisdiction by and venue in the state courts of xxxx and federal courts located in the xxxx District of xxxx.
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Prohibition: This Web site is for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from this web site.
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