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Pub. 570, Tax Guide for Individuals With Income From U.S. Possessions 2004 Tax Year

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Form 8689 Allocation of Individual Income Tax to the Virgin Islands 2002. Summary: This is an example of Form 8689 (2002) with these line items completed:

Name(s) shown on Form 1040” field contains Bill and Jane
Your social security” number field contains 222-00-2222
Under “Part I: Income From the Virgin Islands”:
2. Taxable interest” field contains 500
11. Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etcetera” field contains 6,200
16. Add lines 1 through 15. This is your total income” field contains 6,700
Under “Part II: Adjusted Gross Income From the Virgin Islands”:
27. Add lines 17 through 26” field contains 0
28. Subtract line 27 from line 16. This is your adjusted gross income” field contains 6,700
Under “Part III: Allocation of Tax to the Virgin Islands”:
29. Enter amount from Form 1040, line 61” field contains 5,561
31. Subtract line 30 from line 29” field contains 5,561
32. Enter amount from Form 1040, line 36” field contains 54,901
33. Divide line 28 by line 32. Enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least 3 places)” field contains .122
34. Multiply line 31 by line 33. This is your tax allocated to the Virgin Islands” field contains 678
Under “Part IV: Payments of Income Tax to the Virgin Islands”:
36. 2002 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2001 return” field contains 600
38. Add lines 35 through 37. These are your total payments” field contains 600
39. Enter the smaller of line 34 or line 38. Also, include this amount in the total on Form 1040, line 69. On the dotted line next to line 69, enter Form 8689 and show this amount” field contains 600
43. If line 34 is more than line 38, subtract line 38 from line 34. This is the amount you owe to the Virgin Islands” field contains 78

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