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Pub. 541, Partnerships 2004 Tax Year

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

Form 1065 U.S. Return of Partnership Income 2003. Summary: This is an example of Form 1065 (2003) with items included as described in the text. Additionally, these line items are completed:

A. Principal business activity” field contains Retail
B. Principal product or service” field contains Books
C. Business code number” field contains 451211
E. Date business started” field contains 10-1-79
F. Total assets (see page 14 of the instructions)” field contains $45,391
H. Check accounting method: (2) Accrual” checkbox checked
I. Number of Schedules K–1. Attach one for each person who was a partner at any time during the tax year” field contains 2

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