This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.
Appendix A, page 5. Summary: This appendix lists imported products containing or manufactured with ozone-depleting chemicals. The text is:Part II. (continued).
Product Name
Harmonized Tariff Schedule Heading
Ozone-Depleting Chemical
Ozone-Depleting Chemical Weight
Electronic games and electronic components thereof
Electronic items not otherwise listed in the Table : included in Harmonized Tariff Schedule chapters 84, 85, 90
0.0004 pound per $1.00 of entry value
Electronic items not otherwise listed in the Table : not included in Harmonized Tariff Schedule chapters 84, 85, 90
0.0004 pound per $1.00 of entry value
Part III. Products that are not imported taxable products.