Form 8849 (Rev. January 2003) Claim for Refund of Excise Taxes. Summary: This is an example of Form 8849 (2003) with the following line items completed:
“Name of claimant” field contains STEVEN S SANDS
“Employer identification number” field contains 109876543
“Address (number, street, room or suite number)” field contains 987 WEST STREET
“City and state or province. If you have a foreign address, see page 2” field contains ANYTOWN USA
“ZIP code” field contains 12345
“Daytime telephone number (optional)” field contains 9875550000
“Month claimant's income tax year ends” field contains 12
“Schedules Attached”:
“Schedule 1--Nontaxable Use of Fuels” checkbox checked
“Sign Here”:
“Signature and title (if applicable)” field contains Steven S. Sands
“Date” field contains 9/29/2003
“Type or print your name below signature” field contains Steven S. Sands