2001 Tax Help Archives  

Publication 590 2001 Tax Year


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This is archived information that pertains only to the 2001 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

Employers, including self-employed individuals, can set up simplified employee pension (SEP) plans. A SEP plan allows an employer to make contributions toward employees' retirement, and, if the employer is self-employed, his or her own retirement, without becoming involved in more complex retirement plans.

A self-employed individual is an employee for SEP purposes. He or she is also the employer. Even if the self-employed individual is the only qualifying employee, he or she can have an IRA under a SEP plan (SEP-IRA).

This chapter focuses on the rules affecting employees. For information on the rules affecting employers, see Publication 560.

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