1. On page 44246, column 1, §1.901-2(f)(6), paragraph (i) of Example
4., line 4, the language “county Y. A accrues interest income
on the” is corrected to read “country Y. A accrues interest income
on the”.
2. On page 44246, column 2, §1.901-2(f)(6), paragraph (i) of Example
4., first paragraph of the column, line 1, the language “pay
over to country X 10 percent of the” is corrected to read “pay
over to country Y 10 percent of the”.
3. On page 44247, column 1, §1.901-2(f)(6), paragraph (i) of Example
8., the language “tax purposes. New D also has a short U.S.”
is corrected to read “tax purposes. “New” D also has a short
4. On page 44247, column 1, §1.901-2(f)(6), paragraph (ii) of Example
8., line 11, the language “years of terminating D and new
D. See” is corrected to read “years of old D and new D. See”.
5. On page 44247, column 1, §1.901-2(f)(6), paragraph (ii) of Example
8., line 13, the language “allocation of terminating D’s
country M taxes” is corrected to read “allocation of old D’s
country M taxes”.
6. On page 44247, column 1, §1.901-2(h), the language “(h) Effective
Date. Paragraphs (a)” is corrected to read “(h) Effective
date. Paragraphs (a)”.
LaNita Van Dyke,
Register Liaison,
Publications and Regulations Branch,
Processing Division,
Associate Chief Counsel
and Administration).
(Filed by the Office of the Federal Register on October 30, 2006, 8:45
a.m., and published in the issue of the Federal Register for October 31, 2006,
71 F.R. 63732)