May 01, 1998
Appeals Customer Satisfaction Survey
As part of its ongoing evaluation of dispute resolution programs, the Office of the National Director of Appeals began a
Customer Satisfaction Survey in June 1997 to collect feedback from
taxpayers about the Internal Revenue Service Appeals process. The
survey was completed in January 1998. Of the 6,800 taxpayers and tax
practitioners who were mailed a two-page survey, 43% chose to
Key elements of the survey were the taxpayers' ratings for their
level of satisfaction in nine facets of the appeal process,
How long it took
- to get a case to Appeals
- for Appeals to schedule a conference
- to get a case through Appeals
- Correct application of the law to the facts of the case
- Appeals fairness and impartiality in resolving the case
The survey was designed to capture information about the
taxpayers' knowledge and understanding of Appeals procedures. It
also gathered data relating to how well the Appeals officer
explained the Appeals process and the outcome of the appeal.
Some of the findings are:
- 84% of respondents would use Appeals again
- 70% satisfied (completely or somewhat) with Appeals fairness and impartiality
- 70% satisfied (completely or somewhat) with the overall Appeals process
Appeals Initiatives
Taxpayers expressed concern with how long it takes to get a case
to Appeals and achieve some resolution. Also, Appeals is concerned
that the satisfaction rating for the IRS explanation of the Appeals
process was only about 58%. Appeals is beginning several initiatives
to address some of these issues.
Later this year, in several service center programs, Appeals
will test a set of simplified letters and notices informing
taxpayers of adjustments. These include a customized version of
Publication 5, "Appeal Rights and Preparation of Protests for
Unagreed Cases." Appeals will also test the concept of putting an
Appeals unit at a service center to facilitate the handling and
processing of administrative appeals for docketed cases.
The IRS expects that these changes will increase the
responsiveness and flexibility of its service center processes,
making them more effective in dealing with taxpayers whose
resolutions may need extra attention.
The survey itself was undertaken as part of a larger,
well-established evaluation program in Appeals where taxpayers using
dispute resolution programs are encouraged to comment on the
process. In 1995, Appeals identified a set of key customer service
performance indicators to foster continuous improvement and provide
improved customer satisfaction. These are known as TRACES, an
acronym for: Timely, Responsive, Accurate, Complete Service,
Education, and Sustention Rate. These key factors focus on providing
better products and services, that is, reducing the time to complete
a case, providing prompt hearings for taxpayers and making
settlements that are fair, impartial, and technically/procedurally
correct. The survey was undertaken as part of the focus on
Education-to measure our customers' understanding of our processes,
and to increase our own understanding of their needs.
Future Customer Surveys
Earlier this year, the IRS announced a new series of upcoming
surveys, in which taxpayers who have dealt with the IRS will be
asked to complete questionnaires to rate the service they received.
A private contractor is conducting these customer satisfaction
surveys of all IRS functions, beginning in April 1998. In that
announcement, the IRS stated, "For the first time, we're looking at
specific services through our customers' eyes." Appeals has
endeavored to adopt this focus since 1995 with its TRACES measures
noted above. Appeals will use results from these new taxpayer
surveys, along with those from the 1997 survey, to improve its
process, make it more customer friendly and achieve a high quality
product by striving for continuous improvement and customer
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