March 22, 1995
Relief Provided for Charitable Donors
Taxpayers who made contributions of $250 or more to charities
during 1994 are being relieved from the statutory requirement that
before they file their 1994 returns they obtain adequate written
acknowledgements from the charities. The IRS is providing this
relief because of difficulties taxpayers are reporting in obtaining
these acknowledgements.
In a notice released today the IRS said that taxpayers can still
claim deductions for charitable contributions of $250 or more on
their 1994 returns if they make a good faith effort on or before
Oct. 16, 1995, to obtain the required written acknowledgement from
the charity. One example of a good faith effort would be sending a
letter to the charity requesting the acknowledgement.
Congress changed the law in 1993 to require taxpayers making
charitable contributions of $250 or more to obtain written
acknowledgements from the charities for these contributions. This
law requires that an acknowledgement be obtained by the earlier of
the filing of the taxpayer' 8 return or the due date of the return,
including extensions. It also requires that the acknowledgement
state whether or not the taxpayer received anything in return for
the contribution.
Taxpayers who do not itemize cannot claim charitable
contribution deductions and are therefore not affected by this
announcement. Taxpayers who have already filed their 1994 returns
and wish to take advantage of this limited relief should file an
amended return using Form 1040X.
Taxpayers are reminded that they must comply with all of the
requirements of the tax law in order to be allowed a charitable
contribution deduction. The law allows the taxpayer to take a
deduction only to the extent that the taxpayer intended to and did
make a contribution in excess of the fair market value of anything
received in return.
Additional information on the relief announced today is
contained in attached Notice 95-15, and will also appear in Internal
Revenue Bulletin 1995-15, dated April 10, 1995. The lRS said it will
soon issue additional guidance in the form of proposed regulations
on substantiation of charitable contributions.
Part III. Administrative, Procedural, and Miscellaneous
Transitional Relief from the Substantiation Requirements of
Section 170(f)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code
Notice 95-15
The Service has received numerous inquiries about the
substantiation requirements for charitable contributions of $250 or
more imposed by Congress in the 1993 tax law changes. Those
requirements, found in §170(f)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code,
generally provide that a taxpayer will not be allowed a charitable
contribution deduction for a contribution of $250 or more unless the
taxpayer substantiates the contribution with a "contemporaneous
written acknowledgment" from the donee organization. The law
requires the taxpayer to obtain the acknowledgment before the
taxpayer files the return reporting the contribution or before the
due date (including extensions) for the return, whichever comes
first. These new substantiation requirements apply to contributions
made on or after January 1, 1994.
The Service understands that there has been confusion about
these new requirements, and as a result, many taxpayers have had
difficulty obtaining the required written acknowledgments from donee
organizations for contributions made during 1994. In light of these
difficulties, the Service is providing the following relief:
For contributions of $250 or more made during calendar year
1994, a taxpayer who has not obtained the necessary contemporaneous
written acknowledgment by the date specified in §170(f)(8) will be
treated as having satisfied the requirements of that section if (1)
the taxpayer has obtained the acknowledgment by October 16, 1995, or
(2) the taxpayer has made a good faith effort to obtain the
acknowledgment by that date. An example of a good faith effort would
be sending the donee organization a letter requesting a written
acknowledgment that meets the requirements of §170(f)(8).
A "contemporaneous written acknowledgment" is a written
statement from a donee organization that contains the following
information: (1) the amount of cash and a description (but not
value) of any property other than cash contributed, (2) whether the
donee organization provided any goods or services in consideration
for the property contributed, and (3) a description and good faith
estimate of the value of any goods or services provided by the donee
organization in consideration for the property contributed. In
addition (except for contributions made during calendar year 1994,
for which relief is provided by this Notice), the taxpayer must
obtain the acknowledgment before the taxpayer files the return
reporting the contribution or before the due date (including
extensions) for the return, whichever comes first.
Taxpayers are reminded that they must comply with all of the
requirements of §170 in order to be allowed a charitable
contribution deduction. If the taxpayer receives goods or services
in exchange for a contribution to a donee organization, §170
generally allows the taxpayer to take a deduction only to the extent
that the taxpayer intended to and did make a payment in excess of
the fair market value of what was received in return.
The principal author of this notice is Rosemary DeLeone of the
Office of Assistant Chief Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting). For
further information regarding this notice, contact Rosemary DeLeone
at (202) 622-4930 (not a toll-free call).
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